Friday, January 4, 2008

Sta Wa Pre-Tril Eps (abreves: Star Wars: Episodes 1-3)

Watched these pretty much out of order ongoing for like 2 weeks n'shit and know what? Fuckin' awesome. Lotta people out there want to hate on this shit and I admit, I fucking hated these heaps of shit and pointed just like everyone else that walked by and was like "Yo, Lucas, you fucking destroyed whatever was left that I held dear from my fucking childhood, mutherfuckah, but, whatever, take these piles of shit and fucking turn them into gold for all I care" and then I turn away and walk down the street and wouldn't you know it George turns the shit into gold. I guess he's a more powerful sorcerer than Jesus was. Whatevs. But that was the old me, the new me is part of the Church of George Lucas. Those movies are mmm ... notthatbad. I like all the fight scenes and I got my problems with the shit but I fuckin' loooove the way the fuckin' Sith lords are represented. Bad ass. I'd turn to the dark side of the force so fucking quick, I'd be all a youngling jedi knight in training and my master and I would be dispatched to take care of some Sith fucking dude out in some far-reaching system and we'd confront that dude and he'd be all "Yo, the dark side is awesome" and I'd behead my master with my lightsaber right there, then I'd learn the dark side of the force from the Sith guy and then I'd fucking ice that dude as soon as I could. Bang, instant Sith bad ass. But I could never have a ship more badassly named than Slave 1, 'cause fuckin' Boba Fett already took that name. Shit. [Side review: Watched a bit of MTV series True Life where this dude is real embarassed of his dad who's a Star Wars fanatic, goes to cons n'shit, and dresses like a jedi knight, fuck. So anyway, the dad takes his son to a con and they find these Stormtrooper dudes who let the son put on the Stormtrooper armor and the dad starts cryin' and shit cause he's all emotional and shite that his son is putting on a g.d. Stormtrooper outfit, feck, and then the dude who's armor it was starts cryin' cause he wasn't all that close with his dad. Gawd. Society, man. It's fucked].

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